Tuesday, April 7, 2009


How are you supposed to feel when you get your SAT scores and you find out that you got a 930?
You feel like COMPLETE ASS!
It sucks, it really sucks, I'm dissapointed and angry. But mostly, it was a shot to my self-esteem. Every little bits of confidence I had regarding my intelligence went out the window.
Everyone I talk to got a 1100 or higher.
Well thank who ever thought of judging students on a 5 hour test!
I work my ass off at school to keep my grades to A's and B's and one fucking test is going to screw it all up for me? That is senseless.
I'm craving food, that usually makes me feel better at times of sadness.

On top of that bad news, I've been pretty moppy lately, mainly because of my relationship right now. Let's just say it feels like I'm single even though I'm not.
I'm too confused and emotionally lazy to do anything about it.
Doing nothing about it isn't as successful as I thought it would be.

Ugh, I'm sorry I'm so negative (especially on my first post since the last million year), to be honest, I can pick out a few things that are going well in my life right now.
1) I am on vacation for 11 days.
2) Since the beginning of spring break, I have started working out and eating healthy.
3) Kaita is coming over on thursday! She is the only thing that's stable in my life, I always know I can count on her.

You know what I watch when I get moppy?


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