Friday, November 28, 2008

Wow, I really sounded on crack on my last post.
Sorry if I made you scurrred.

Black Friday.

What a coincidence that I feel extremely black today. I think it's from hanging out with Perry (a ripped black trainer), he's hilarious, my mom and I went to the gym to attend his kickboxing class, but problem was we were the only one there. Apparently everyone was either constipated from thanksgiving food or they were shopping for black friday. Well, since the class got canceled, Perry, my mom, and I ended up going to Starbucks and talked for an hour and a half. I hadn't laugh that hard for a while. So long story short, I'm feeling black now! Oh plus, my mom and I came home and watched this movie called The Diary of Mad Black Woman. It was completely insane, and hysterical. That added a layer of blackness to my mood.

Yesterday was amazing, I had no chores to do, I went on a scooter ride, I made a tiger cub rug for my sister (I bought this latch hook kit). I'm such a grannie, I love knitting too. Anyway, the rug is adorable! I ate delicious food, I watched Annie with my lil' sis, it was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. You should watch it!

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog. I guess nothing's really happened that I can put in words in a simple way. And plus I don't want to bore anyone.

I bought Kaita another present, I hope she likes it.
I still need to buy Jon his presents, but the stupid website won't let me buy them.
Apparently they don't like my address.
I hope everything comes together before christmas.

Well, I'm going to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with mi madre.
It was nice talking to you.