Friday, June 6, 2008

Last day of school!

And of course, I choose today to be one of those days where I wake at 2 in the morning to finish my hw. Mainly because I had a great day with my gramma and came home at 7h30, which meant doing all my chores,doing hw; and somehow talk to Jon for a little bit before my bedtime at 10. I got to do all of that but unfortunately not enough hw. Today is English and Web Design. Surprisingly, I'm more nervous about Web Design than anything.
You know? I'm actually going to miss V-Gina Sabiston. She's a pretty fucking sweet women when it comes down to it. But god, she sucks at teaching. Hah, maybe this summer she'll take non-sucking classes.

Chillin' with The Patty May was so fun! We went shopping for my grades. To tell you the truth, I still feel awkward when she buys me stuff. I just feel like she's doing it to prevent making feel left out, considering Jade gets a toy every single day. But I really don't need anything from her.
Except, if I could change anything, it would be her fakeness towards me. Does she honestly think I believe her when she tells me that she lovess me. Nah, buying stuff for me isn't no love nigga.
But what can I do? And in the end, I get FREE clothes! So I shouldn't even be complaining.

It's 3:33 am, and I should be tired, I need all the sleep I can get. But I'm wide awake. I'd love to talk to Kaita right now. I think I'm hanging out with her on Sunday. Oh oh spaghetti-o!, I just realized something.

Well, I'm gonna force myself to sleep.
Doesn't that sound lovely?
Yusssssssss, it does.

1 comment:

Kaita said...

I read this and smiled!

I really wish you were here to talk to me right now.

The verification code for this comment is "hoolrl." I said that out loud and laughed.