Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Back to boredom.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Coucou Paris!

I arrived in Paris this saturday at 6h20 am, although my body knew it was 1 in the morning back in Fart Myers.
I am not going to lie, this is quite a cultural and scenery shock. I'm taking it all in, Paris always amazes because even though I've lived there 12 years of my life, it still continues to surprise me-in a good way.
I miss Dan so much, I felt far enough from him when he moved to Clearwater but now I'd need to fly over a whole ocean to see him again.
I'll be fine though, the realization that I am going to see him on Skype tonight is keeping me on my toes (is that an expression? Oh well, if it wasn't, it is now).
I'll try to upload pictures throughout my trip, for the sake of my imaginary friends :D

Aurevoir mes amis imaginaires!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


It's funny how the moment you think your parents are evil, they come back around and do the nicest things.
I experienced that tonight, my parents are very strange, they change their minds all the time.
But tonight, it was for the better. With the help of a little wine, they loosened up at the dinner table and they talked to me about their childhood, how proud they are of me, and how much they like my boyfriend.
It's during these times that I realize that my parents do have a heart, they are vulnerable human beings, and they are dying for my acceptance.
It's tonight that I realized how much I love them and how I wouldn't want any other parents in the world.
And I'm thinking this blog is what I'll turn to when they piss me off.
This is good therapy, hah.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


How are you supposed to feel when you get your SAT scores and you find out that you got a 930?
You feel like COMPLETE ASS!
It sucks, it really sucks, I'm dissapointed and angry. But mostly, it was a shot to my self-esteem. Every little bits of confidence I had regarding my intelligence went out the window.
Everyone I talk to got a 1100 or higher.
Well thank who ever thought of judging students on a 5 hour test!
I work my ass off at school to keep my grades to A's and B's and one fucking test is going to screw it all up for me? That is senseless.
I'm craving food, that usually makes me feel better at times of sadness.

On top of that bad news, I've been pretty moppy lately, mainly because of my relationship right now. Let's just say it feels like I'm single even though I'm not.
I'm too confused and emotionally lazy to do anything about it.
Doing nothing about it isn't as successful as I thought it would be.

Ugh, I'm sorry I'm so negative (especially on my first post since the last million year), to be honest, I can pick out a few things that are going well in my life right now.
1) I am on vacation for 11 days.
2) Since the beginning of spring break, I have started working out and eating healthy.
3) Kaita is coming over on thursday! She is the only thing that's stable in my life, I always know I can count on her.

You know what I watch when I get moppy?


Friday, November 28, 2008

Wow, I really sounded on crack on my last post.
Sorry if I made you scurrred.

Black Friday.

What a coincidence that I feel extremely black today. I think it's from hanging out with Perry (a ripped black trainer), he's hilarious, my mom and I went to the gym to attend his kickboxing class, but problem was we were the only one there. Apparently everyone was either constipated from thanksgiving food or they were shopping for black friday. Well, since the class got canceled, Perry, my mom, and I ended up going to Starbucks and talked for an hour and a half. I hadn't laugh that hard for a while. So long story short, I'm feeling black now! Oh plus, my mom and I came home and watched this movie called The Diary of Mad Black Woman. It was completely insane, and hysterical. That added a layer of blackness to my mood.

Yesterday was amazing, I had no chores to do, I went on a scooter ride, I made a tiger cub rug for my sister (I bought this latch hook kit). I'm such a grannie, I love knitting too. Anyway, the rug is adorable! I ate delicious food, I watched Annie with my lil' sis, it was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. You should watch it!

It's been awhile since I wrote a blog. I guess nothing's really happened that I can put in words in a simple way. And plus I don't want to bore anyone.

I bought Kaita another present, I hope she likes it.
I still need to buy Jon his presents, but the stupid website won't let me buy them.
Apparently they don't like my address.
I hope everything comes together before christmas.

Well, I'm going to watch The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with mi madre.
It was nice talking to you.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Scattered mind.

My stay at Kaitas' was amazing. I didn't want to leave, we did a bunch of girlie things, like making bracelets.
I love hanging out with this girl, she makes my days brighter.
Not to mention, she smells delicious!
Honestly though, there's not one thing I didn't enjoy doing there.
Well, except pooping in her bathroom. It came at the worst possible times.
Like 2 minutes before we had to leave to the store.
My poop needs to hurry up, damn it!

Silliness aside, her parents' cooking was wounderful, I felt like I was in a *****star hotel (no cussing intended).

After spending 3 days at Kaita's, my uncle picked me up to go shopping at cocopo.
Man, shopping with a gay man is like shopping with a biotch.
Don't get me wrong, he bought me amazing things, and I was so thankful.
But he pretty much made the "Liah shopping Day"(that's what he called it), all about him, hah!
Anyway, I got great dresses and a purple scarf!
I also proposed him to go see Mama Mia, just because I figured he's been dying to see it.
And he was stoked. We went to Moe's for his first time, of course he loved it.
He got a bunch a sour cream on the side of him mouth though which led to the awkward comment he whispered: "I've been a bad boy."

Later on that night, we went to his house, we had my cousin over, and then Garry, a friend of Tim's, dropped off his weiner dog.
Wait for it.......Peenie!
Yup, that's his name.
Peenie Weenie!
Now, of course all night I kept calling him Skippy or Moxy, because I had spend so much time with Kaita's dogs.
So that sure confused Poor Peenie Weenie.
Apparently, Tim has to babysitt him for 10 days, I hope the dog doesn't die.

Oh! I also made bracelets for my cousin, his mom, and Tim.

Sunday, I hung out with Johnny boy, and his friends at Kyle's. It was a "going away" surprise party for Kyle.
Brad kinda ruined it for us by telling him we were all coming over though, haha.

Overall, I've had a MAGNIFIQUE week!


Oh boy! 2 more weeks, I think I might die.